Alessandro Trenti
Alessandro Trenti was born in Italy (Trento) in 1990. In 2018 he obtained his Ph.D degree at the University of Trento working on integrated quantum photonics. He then worked for 3 years as a PostDoc in the Walther group at the University of Vienna, 2 of which funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND ESQ Postdoctoral fellowship. During his stay in the Walther group, he worked on and coordinated different research projects in the field of experimental quantum optics (PhoQuGraph, H2020 UNIQORN, H2020 EPIQUS). Since October 2021 he is with the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) with a scientist position in the quantum communication group.. He has been working on national and international projects (UNIQORN, FAQT) on the generation and manipulation of quantum states of light for quantum communication applications.
The idea for my presentation is to give an overview of quantum physics and quantum technologies (1st and 2nd quantum revolution, quantum flagship, current state-of-the-art) and then Martin Stierle will focus more on the AIT expertise in quantum communication. I’ve been told that at the end of the presentation I should highlight the Austrian quantum landscape, sort of advertising quantum research career paths for young generations.